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Home aziendafiori la liquore
rivenditori video dei golosi Ristorante Lou Sarvanot
I Fiori di Genepy

The flowers originate from land situated at 1550 m above sea level, near Stroppo, a place called "Ergalisio".
During the three years cultivation cicle, all possible techniques are used to limit the negative impact that this method could have on an uncontaminated environment. Biological methods of cultivation are used without chemicals and with reduced use of motorised machinery.
The harvesting, done manually, takes place between June and July, the flowers are then dried on trellis purposly built or in a drying room; both cases give excellent quality of flowers.

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Copyright © 2011 La Freidio di Rovera Paolo - Via Nazionale 64 - 12020 Stroppo (CN) - Tel. 380 2512649 - P.Iva 02570360046